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HttpClient Tutorial Download HttpClient Tutorial E-Book
The Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is perhaps the most significant protocol used on the Internet today. Web services, network-enabled appliances and the growth of network computing continue to expand the role of the HTTP protocol beyond user-driven web browsers, while increasing the number of applications that require HTTP support.
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This article explains the installation and configuration process of the XAMPP Apache distribution, and then provides a step-by-step tutorial on developing a simple address book program using the PHP programming language and MySQL database package
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PHP - Advanced Tutorial Download PHP - Advanced Tutorial E-Book
Very rare since a MySQL client library is distributed with PHP and built into PHP by default. However, it is possible to build PHP without MySQL support. Some possible fixes:
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Apache Server Survival Guide Download Apache Server Survival Guide  E-Book
Apache Server Survival Guide
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Apache Ant User Manual Guide Download Apache Ant User Manual Guide E-Book
This is the manual for version 1.6.0 of Apache Ant. If your version of Ant (as verified with ant -version) is older or newer than this version then this is not the correct manual set. Please use the documentation appropriate to your current version. Also, if you are using a version older than the most recent release, we recommend an upgrade to fix bugs as well as provide new functionality.
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Rapid application development with Apache Turbine and Maven Download Rapid application development with Apache Turbine and Maven E-Book
Working with Turbine since 2001 (Turbine 2.1). Committer on the Turbine project (Fall 2002). ASF member (May 2005). Did many of the reworkings in the 2.2 -> 2.3 development cycle and made the 2.3 and 2.3.1 releases. Developed and deployed ~ 20 Turbine based applications
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ANT Tutorial Download ANT Tutorial E-Book
Imagine that you are working on a large project. The project is a Java project and consists of many .java files. It consists of classes that are dependent on other classes and classes which are stubs or drivers, they are situated in multiple directories and the output files must go into multiple directories too, you have various project build routes for different applications and at the moment are coordinating all of this manually or using some other build utility which doesn't do what you want it to so many hours are spent changing directories compiling individual files and so on... Now, imagine if their was a tool that could alleviate the stress and hassle you are experiencing, OK, enough of the rhetoric, this tool exists, it is called ANT. For a nice definition of what Ant is, see http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/.
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Apache The Definitive Guide Download Apache The Definitive Guide E-Book
The main problem with the Win32 version of Apache lies in its security, which must depend, in turn, on the security of the underlying operating system. Unfortunately, Win95 and its successors have no effective security worth mentioning. Windows NT has a large number of security features, but they are poorly documented, hard to understand, and have not been subjected to the decades of discussion, testing, and hacking that have forged Unix security into a fortress that can pretty well be relied upon.
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Apache Ant 101: Make Java builds a snap Download Apache Ant 101: Make Java builds a snap E-Book
Whether you're a veteran user of Apache Ant or just starting out with this open source Java-based build tool, this tutorial provides a wealth of information. With Java developer and Ant enthusiast Matt Chapman from the IBM Java Technology Centre, you'll walk through the steps involved in writing a build file for a simple Java project, and then look at some of Ant's other useful functions, including filesystem operations and pattern matching. You'll finish the course by writing our own Java class that extends Ant's functionality.
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HttpCore Tutorial Download HttpCore Tutorial E-Book
HttpCore is a set of components implementing the most fundamental aspects of the HTTP protocol that are nonetheless sufficient to develop full-featured client-side and server-side HTTP services with a minimal footprint.
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