B.Sc - Pharmacy Colleges in Kerala

University: Kerala University
College Category: Pharmacy
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Average: 3.7 (36 votes)
College Category: Pharmacy
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University: Calicut University
College Category: Pharmacy
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Average: 4 (1 vote)
University: Kannur University
College Category: Pharmacy
Rate this College:
Average: 3.2 (47 votes)
University: University of Kerala
College Category: Pharmacy
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University: University of Calicut
College Category: Pharmacy
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University: Mahatma Gandhi University
College Category: Pharmacy
Rate this College:
Average: 5 (1 vote)
University: University of Calicut
College Category: Pharmacy
Rate this College:
No votes yet
College Category: Pharmacy
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No votes yet
University: Mahatma Gandhi University
College Category: Pharmacy
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